Episode 3

Published on:

22nd Sep 2022

Dumpster First Sports DFS Podcast S3E3

Your favorite lough dough bros are BACK and still doing this (for some reason.)

Season 3 of the show...week 3 of the 2022 NFL Season!

Joe, Brady, and Brandon go through each position and share our favorite daily fantasy sports plays.

We also make our calls on the Chiefs' game vs the Colts

Join us on Twitter-





and join our low dough DK DFS league


Also, the show is brought to you in part by Homage...Get geared up with new drip for the season via our Homage link...


And read Brady's articles on Stokastic.com...



00;00;00;07 - 00;00;00;26

Speaker 1

Let's go.

00;00;00;26 - 00;00;07;29

Speaker 2

John. And where is your job? Touchdown! Kansas City.

00;00;08;27 - 00;00;10;25

Speaker 1

Where's the party? Right here.

00;00;12;07 - 00;00;43;14

Speaker 3

It's a very easy process. You get a bankroll, some tender, some kindling, a little bit of fuel, a spark, and you burn that bankroll to the ground. That's what we're doing. On another episode of Dumpster Fire Sports Podcast, Your favorite LoDo Brews are back. We're talking DFS. We're burning bankrolls to the ground and generally embarrassing not only our selves, not only our current friends and family, but essentially our future, our lineage.

00;00;43;26 - 00;01;00;09

Speaker 3

We'll be embarrassed by this content that is spread worldwide throughout the Web for generations to come. Welcome to our pain, Joe, Jake and Casey on Twitter is back. Joe, how are things? How is the bankroll?

00;01;00;11 - 00;01;03;23

Speaker 4

Bankroll still doing? All right. I think I'm up for the season, which is nice.

00;01;04;11 - 00;01;05;04

Speaker 1


00;01;05;12 - 00;01;11;27

Speaker 4

Oh, but that's just because that nice week one hit week two was a little rough, but we hit in cash. So that's we're doing all right.

00;01;12;01 - 00;01;20;09

Speaker 3

Let me ask you this. Gambling legal in the state of Kansas. Are you up more on the gambling or the DFS?

00;01;20;09 - 00;01;36;28

Speaker 4

Definitely on the gambling. But just because of all the free bets, I mean, it wasn't it wasn't like I had all this money. Like I got free bets. I used my free bets. I had a decent number of the free bets. And they gave you the stupid promotions. Like if the Chiefs score, you win 100 bucks.

00;01;37;04 - 00;01;48;13

Speaker 3

Like, Yeah, somehow I don't have any free bets left and I have very little money in there, so that's fine. That's fine. Brandon, how's that bankroll, though?

00;01;49;11 - 00;01;53;11

Speaker 1

What helps?

00;01;53;11 - 00;01;55;17

Speaker 5

Bankroll. Good on DraftKings, man.

00;01;55;24 - 00;01;56;11

Speaker 3

Is it?

00;01;56;19 - 00;02;15;10

Speaker 5

Well, I mean, two weeks in a row, if you listen to the last one, I said I was going to go straight Hondo on. I'm homies and I want everyone except for the money nicely, which I think was a rig because I think Joe invited me to one of his contests and he ends up sweeping it. So I won't count that one against my against my record last week.

00;02;15;11 - 00;02;19;13

Speaker 5

Yeah I'm positive. Almost 50 for the field for the year so far.

00;02;20;02 - 00;02;46;19

Speaker 3

Speaking of leagues and contests, we want to invite you to the Dumpster Fire Sports League on DraftKings. It's for you, Low Bro's. I want to get in here with us and rumble over a dollar in these ten player showdowns. And if somebody could beat Miles 18, that would be greatly appreciated. You know, the one thing is the leaderboards all jacked up because it's, you know, going back a couple of seasons.

00;02;46;19 - 00;03;15;26

Speaker 3

But I do know, Miles, and this is something I'd like to talk about here before we get to some of our favorite plays. But strategy and game selection, I think Miles 18 has found his game selection sweet spot by coming into our league and beating us over and over again. Brandon I'm looking at these results in the Dumpster Fire Sports League.

00;03;15;26 - 00;03;21;08

Speaker 3

I don't see your name here at the top a whole lot. Well, or you don't enter them, is that what you're saying?

00;03;21;10 - 00;03;23;04

Speaker 5

I just. I honor like one. That's a.

00;03;23;20 - 00;03;25;19

Speaker 3

Why. What's your problem? You can't support us.

00;03;25;23 - 00;03;26;13

Speaker 1

You can't score.

00;03;26;19 - 00;03;31;04

Speaker 5

Like, I get, like, 15 different invites, so I don't know which one to choose, so I just choose one.

00;03;31;06 - 00;03;35;13

Speaker 3

You enter all of them, you enter all of them. That should be your plan.

00;03;35;13 - 00;03;37;04

Speaker 5

But I thought we were low double rose.

00;03;37;07 - 00;03;52;09

Speaker 3

We look, there's three contests, right now, each of them for a dollar. One of them, only four people can play in the four play by miles, the main slate. And then the NFL's showdown for tomorrow night. Jump on in. The water's fine.

00;03;52;13 - 00;03;53;26

Speaker 1

Oh, okay. Well, all right.

00;03;54;04 - 00;04;18;10

Speaker 3

Give me something else to complain about now. Also, find us on Twitter dumpster sports. I assume you know all this stuff if you're listening this deep into an episode. Okay. Before we get to some of our plays, I do want to talk strategy because I had a bad week last week and I think strategically I'm failing. Not only are my picks bad, but my strategy's bad.

00;04;18;10 - 00;04;32;04

Speaker 3

My game selections weak as well. But I want to talk about lineups because we have our little group chat and come to find out. Brandon, you play one lineup all weekend or one main Slate lineup?

00;04;32;04 - 00;04;51;25

Speaker 5

Yeah, and that's basically what I've done is I just play the same lineup that my gut tells me to play. And I don't I don't tinker around with it. I'm I did that last year and the year before and the year before that. So I'm so once I feel good about something, unless there's news about that, I'm just keeping I'm rolling with what I've what I've went with.

00;04;51;26 - 00;04;52;21

Speaker 5

I'm not switching it.

00;04;53;06 - 00;04;59;02

Speaker 3

Okay. At what time are you finished with this lineup, barring any last minute news.

00;04;59;22 - 00;05;01;00

Speaker 5

I would say probably by.

00;05;01;22 - 00;05;02;11

Speaker 1

I don't know.

00;05;03;01 - 00;05;05;02

Speaker 5


00;05;05;14 - 00;05;14;29

Speaker 3

Okay. How many tournaments and of what size and buy in are you talking with this one lineup? Are you playing that in cash and in these big jeeps?

00;05;15;00 - 00;05;17;21

Speaker 5

Yeah, I'm just playing it for both. So I mean, that's not.

00;05;17;21 - 00;05;17;26

Speaker 3


00;05;17;26 - 00;05;34;16

Speaker 5

That why I mean, because I mind's more of a GPP strategy. I've just been lucky in the cash game. But the cash game, I mean, it's mainly my cash games are against you guys. So it's not really I'm not playing like a bunch of I'm I'm just I'm not doing like double upside. Yeah. Which I probably should, but.

00;05;35;01 - 00;05;44;23

Speaker 5

Right. It's not. I put it in like a single entry GPP And there's usually a smaller one like five, ten bucks. There's only like a thousand people in it and I go for it.

00;05;44;28 - 00;05;57;18

Speaker 3

That's not bad. That's seems like a rational strategy to me on some level. Joe He's over here with two specific lineups a cash lineup and a tournament lineup. Joe Correct.

00;05;58;07 - 00;06;20;17

Speaker 4

Yeah. Yeah. So I'm playing to lineup some. I'm only playing single entry stuff for the most part. I mean, when, when the millionaire maker is down to like five bucks, I'll play that. But everything else I'm playing single entry, more of the lower dollar stuff and JP's like, I'll get into the $12, but that's about as high as I've gone so far this year.

00;06;21;06 - 00;06;35;02

Speaker 3

Now I appreciate you doing it for the brand, keeping it low, double, but are you this GPP line up you're going to enter even the single entries have a ton of entries, right? I mean, even.

00;06;35;04 - 00;06;57;25

Speaker 4

You can get into the smaller ones of those too. Like there's there's a hundred k $12 single entry or you can wait it out and there will be a 50 K and a 25 K the pop up that are lower entries in total. And then you're obviously competing against less line ups. You have a better chance to win if you're if you if your line of goes off.

00;06;58;04 - 00;06;58;18

Speaker 3


00;06;58;29 - 00;07;01;04

Speaker 5

But I did lie, though. I hate to lie.

00;07;01;17 - 00;07;02;25

Speaker 1

Okay. Well, I.

00;07;03;05 - 00;07;23;13

Speaker 5

Mean, everybody knows that I don't like I know I'm just wowing people and I'm not playing as much as I used to, but I still do that millionaire maker. So let's just not let's not kid ourselves. Right. And I'm so nice. I have played the last two and I've cashed in both of them. I mean, nice. So but, you know, it's it is what it is now.

00;07;23;13 - 00;07;31;18

Speaker 3

Brandon, when you're building this GPP lineup, though, you're not really going deep using projections and websites and all that, right?

00;07;31;28 - 00;07;52;23

Speaker 5

Yeah, I'm not doing any of that. I'm the opposite. I'm just going off the test and what I'm listening to on different podcast about what I see. So this early in the season, I guess I just don't know how they come up with projections because you don't know who the hell is going to do what until about probably week five or six when you have a better feeling.

00;07;52;24 - 00;08;07;02

Speaker 5

It's just hard for me to understand how you can come up with a projection on somebody without I mean, see, well, seeing enough of them. But there's a lot of math to that which I'm not opposed to. I just I well, I don't know.

00;08;07;04 - 00;08;27;15

Speaker 3

I mean, couple of things here. One, if you look at the projections across all sites, especially like so fantasy pros has a thing where you can do a plug in, I think on Chrome maybe. So when you go in your season long leagues on ESPN, it'll have ESPN cards, projections, and then it will have fantasy pros for projections.

00;08;27;19 - 00;08;29;23

Speaker 3

And sometimes they're wildly different.

00;08;30;11 - 00;08;30;22

Speaker 1


00;08;30;22 - 00;08;52;12

Speaker 3

Yeah. So the projections look, you start out like this, you figure about how many plays there are going to be every game, right? How many passing plays, how many rushing plays, how many points you put all that together and then you start doing your math from there to figure out your projections. But they're all over the place. And so.

00;08;52;16 - 00;09;13;09

Speaker 5

Right, so which is what I'm saying. It's like for a this time of the year, it's like, how do you know the tendencies? How do you know how many snaps? How do you know what type of plays the injuries haven't kicked in really yet. I mean, that's just what I'm saying. Like if you're just basing it straight off of projections, I mean, you're probably asking for a dud lineup just because.

00;09;13;09 - 00;09;13;21

Speaker 3


00;09;14;08 - 00;09;19;01

Speaker 5

I won. I mean, you got to you got to this is my theory. I'm not saying I'm like some.

00;09;19;09 - 00;09;33;27

Speaker 3

I'm not saying you're wrong because, one, I go off projections and last week sucked for me. It was bad. Bad. So the question becomes me using the wrong side's projections. Right? Am I not using them correctly?

00;09;33;27 - 00;09;52;19

Speaker 5

That's the quote. Just like in the green room. We talked for all you that on the green room? I just found out. Yeah, I just don't know what that was last week on. Oh Fancy. That's right. Joe is giving me crap about Derek Carr being super chalky. Well, when I came up, when I was like, Hey, why don't we play just Derek Carr and Stack the Raiders?

00;09;52;19 - 00;10;09;15

Speaker 5

It's like they played against a good defense and the Chiefs just demolished the Cardinals. So it's like, Yeah, the Raiders offense isn't quite as good, but the Cardinals are bad and they're going to give up points. So just out of what I saw, out of all the games, I'm like, okay, what's this? Now they're going to get a lighter lineup.

00;10;09;25 - 00;10;36;08

Speaker 5

He'll throw for three Hondo. Well, obviously he became chalk, which is still fine. He's still at a decent game, but it wasn't a2a game for a GPP. What was the savior was exactly like when I was agreeing with you on like Amon-Ra say Brown and stuff like that is just his usage was ridiculous. He had a just a crazy game and everybody else I said had like a touchdown, but they didn't have crazy games, but it was just enough to cash.

00;10;36;28 - 00;10;58;11

Speaker 5

But I mean, I got lucky. It's not like I did anything that was super smart. I just was guessing. I'm like, Oh, my games this time of year. I mean, Joe Fry's better insight on on some of that stuff because he's I feel like he's between you and me. You're more you're more the math guy. I'm more of the that risky mofo that just wants to see what he sees football wise and just go after it.

00;10;58;11 - 00;11;10;05

Speaker 3

But no, I mean, look, I have no reason nothing to say that the math has helped me any more than it just helped you. I haven't cashed in a million. I mean, I haven't been playing. I'm.

00;11;10;05 - 00;11;11;11

Speaker 1

But no, but I mean, I guess.

00;11;11;12 - 00;11;23;03

Speaker 5

I mean, the fact that we're odd, like, we all just kind of bounce stuff off each other is that. I mean, that's what they all do. That's what all the people eventually hit. That's what they do. And they just get right or they play a million lineups because they have the money to do it.

00;11;23;11 - 00;11;24;13

Speaker 1

Well, we're or they were.

00;11;24;13 - 00;11;25;07

Speaker 5

Loaned or those we.

00;11;25;07 - 00;11;25;14

Speaker 1


00;11;26;15 - 00;11;28;26

Speaker 3

Or they play a million lineups and get lucky.

00;11;28;26 - 00;11;29;08

Speaker 1

Well that's.

00;11;29;08 - 00;11;31;03

Speaker 5

True. Yeah, that's that's very true.

00;11;31;25 - 00;11;51;14

Speaker 3

Joe. So you're setting the cash line up, right? Which is you don't care about shock, you're going for the highest points, but when you're talking about these, the single tournament lineup, you're not adjusting it for the size of the tournament or you're playing in a specific set of tournaments that match how you set up your lineup.

00;11;52;05 - 00;11;53;11

Speaker 1

Yeah, I think I'm more.

00;11;53;12 - 00;12;12;27

Speaker 4

Tailoring that GPP lineup to the smaller single injuries where I'm not going up against the people on the Miller maker that are throwing in 150 lineups and stuff like that. So because of that, I can I can play a little more chalk than I could if I were playing the middle. Obviously, if you have the perfect lineup, it could be a shock.

00;12;12;27 - 00;12;39;07

Speaker 4

Is it it as possible and you could still solo hit because all those people probably aren't on every team. But I mean, you just when when I'm playing a GPP, I'm single entry, I'm changing enough so that I'm not playing at 20%. On Derek Carr That's where I went wrong last week. A GPP is I played, I played Derek Carr and I played Take One and they were both super chalky.

00;12;39;18 - 00;12;43;20

Speaker 4

So at that point I'm not gaining anything by playing either of those guys.

00;12;43;20 - 00;13;00;28

Speaker 5

But Derek Carr is, is an okay play. It's just if you played him and just Davante Adams like everybody else did, whereas if you switched up his targets, you probably gain a little bit of edge, which is probably why I cashed because I went with Lawler and Mike Renfroe versus Adams because Adams kind of had an okay game.

00;13;01;15 - 00;13;07;20

Speaker 5

I mean, that's I think literally that's the only reason why I cashed in that was because I pivoted like the other way off leverage off that.

00;13;08;12 - 00;13;21;26

Speaker 3

Now to that point, that's what I want to ask. So let's look at the current projections Wednesday night. Right. And the top two own guys are Stefon Diggs and David Montgomery.

00;13;22;20 - 00;13;24;28

Speaker 5

Based on Montgomery, for real?

00;13;24;29 - 00;13;25;10

Speaker 1


00;13;25;17 - 00;14;01;10

Speaker 3


00;14;02;07 - 00;14;18;09

Speaker 3

Is that the way to think about it, pivoting off to shock or am I going, oh, well, I'm going to play Miami, which is the other side of that game that way, if Stefon Diggs doesn't go off, somebody else does. How am I figuring out what it is?

00;14;18;10 - 00;14;45;03

Speaker 5

So, Joe, you can probably answer off of this, but my just hearing that Stefon Diggs is Chark, I would guess just off of last week that you're probably going to get a lot of Miami stacks, considering they're probably going to be playing from behind and Stefon is going to be the one coming back, which is my guess. But like for what you're saying is, is I think at the opposite, actually, one of my one of my lineups, I have two lineups this week.

00;14;45;13 - 00;15;01;12

Speaker 5

One of them is actually Josh Allen, but it's not with Stefon Diggs. It's with two of his other pass catchers and bringing it back with, you know, a miami guy the other way around. So I don't know, Joe, what do you think? I mean, that's when I hear that. That's what I think is Stefon is probably the comeback.

00;15;01;12 - 00;15;05;17

Speaker 5

He's not really the stack with Josh Allen.

00;15;05;17 - 00;15;25;23

Speaker 4

Yeah. I mean, Josh Allen is going to be expensive this week. I think he's going to be pretty highly owned as well. So I wouldn't be surprised if that's the main stack that people are throwing in. That said, 16% doesn't necessarily scare me off of a wide receiver. It's when the quarterbacks are getting up in the range that I'm getting a little worried.

00;15;27;16 - 00;15;54;12

Speaker 4

I mean, Stefon Diggs is is the alpha on that team. I don't know that I'm ever planning on him to fail, but if he does fail, I'm probably pivoting to Josh Allen and another receiver like you guys are saying or to the running game and the running backs. Just getting lucky that Steph Diggs keeps getting dropped at the one and then Singletary walks on in or something, right?

00;15;55;02 - 00;15;58;25

Speaker 3

I mean, that's the thing. How are we using this ownership?

00;15;58;25 - 00;15;59;07

Speaker 1

Yeah, but.

00;15;59;07 - 00;16;20;05

Speaker 5

You send up a lineup, guys. It's like, I don't see Josh Allen being that high owned just because of how expensive him and Diggs combined would be. Don't get a lot of money left over, whereas I think a lot of people are going to stack, you know, your two A with two of the other guys, you get those two with two versus having Josh Allen and Steph Diggs who are extremely high.

00;16;20;27 - 00;16;52;10

Speaker 3

, Josh Jacobs at:

00;16;52;10 - 00;17;01;04

Speaker 3

Curtis Samuel so you're seeing a bunch of these five K guys in there, which again is probably how a lot of these people, if they are stacking.

00;17;01;28 - 00;17;02;20

Speaker 1

But I mean, right.

00;17;02;22 - 00;17;06;22

Speaker 5

Josh Allen 9% on Josh Allen really scare you. I mean it doesn't to me.

00;17;07;14 - 00;17;22;13

Speaker 4

I mean well, I mean, it's getting up there but I'd say once we're getting to around 10% is when I was starting to worry about quarterback ownership. Until then, I'm not too concerned, but I probably won't go Josh Allen this week.

00;17;22;26 - 00;17;23;08

Speaker 1


00;17;23;24 - 00;17;41;22

Speaker 3

I mean, I'm saying so Joe, when you're set in your GPP lineup and you're thinking about ownership, how are you starting it? I mean, are you looking at what the chalk is and your first move is flex or pivot off the chalk and then start building from there?

00;17;41;22 - 00;18;10;18

Speaker 4

Honestly, I, I take the projections and kind of make a cash line at first, like whatever my cash line is going to be and then go back into the ownership projections and kind of see all this guy is going to be super owned. So if he fails, how am I going to flip this? Or if I find a like a certain bill, like if we think Steph thinks Josh Allen are going to be super highly owned and we see another running back that's gonna be super highly on, like you said.

00;18;10;18 - 00;18;28;16

Speaker 4

David Montgomery So then maybe I'm playing down at quarterback so I can pay up it running backs. I'm flipping my complete lineup instead of just trying to swap out a guy or two. And it doesn't have to be it doesn't have to be. A Instead of taking Steph Diggs, I'm going to take Gabe Davis, which that's one way to pivot.

00;18;28;26 - 00;18;39;22

Speaker 4

But you can go. I'm not going to take Steph Diggs. I'm going to take somebody that's I'm going to take 36k receivers and then pay up it running back or something along those.

00;18;39;22 - 00;18;56;21

Speaker 3

But when you pay up and running back, are you not going to end up at another highly own player? Like let's say you go cheap then on wide receivers you're like, All right, I'm going to pay up. But running back. How about Dalvin Cook? Oh, he's 15% owned. Right? Right.

00;18;56;22 - 00;19;19;08

Speaker 4

So you don't. But it's more of a this is a lineup construction that I see being super popular this week. And if that is they have a quarterback they have at wide receiver, then you're flipping everything on its head by having to pay down at those two positions and then you're paying up it to running back slots or you're paying up a tight end in a running back slot.

00;19;19;16 - 00;19;28;08

Speaker 4

So you're making yourself different from that main lineup that is going to be the chalky cash build that week, right?

00;19;28;25 - 00;19;43;09

Speaker 3

So if it doesn't hit, then you're good. Yeah, I guess. But you're still then going to kind of cover yourself, right, by playing the, the chalk and the cash.

00;19;43;20 - 00;19;44;00

Speaker 1


00;19;44;12 - 00;20;04;08

Speaker 4

And when you're playing cash, you like it's better to play chalk on your players when you're playing in cash. Because if you go out here and you're like, Oh, Saquon Barkley is going to be 60% owned in cash this week. And he goes for 30. You are so far behind 60% of the field, which means you're not cashing.

00;20;04;29 - 00;20;18;01

Speaker 4

If Saquon Barkley goes out there and 60% of the field has him and he does, you're still lockstep with them, then you still have that 10% chance of cashing in 50, 50.

00;20;18;01 - 00;20;40;06

Speaker 3

So I'll, I'll say my problem is I'm playing in massive GP's, I'm playing different lineups now. I'm trying to construct each line up based on that specific tournament, but I just think I'm all over the place, I've got to do better about game selection, like, you know what I mean? I got to be better about that.

00;20;40;06 - 00;20;41;01

Speaker 1

Yeah, I.

00;20;41;01 - 00;21;01;17

Speaker 5

Can't exactly right. Because that's where I come in, like Joe does, like the way he does. And that's why he's pretty damn consistent with his cashing and stuff are real close all the time, but like me, I'm kind of hit or miss. Like when I hit, I hit a lot. But that's just because like the game selection, I find like two games that I are like, those are the games that I'm going to focus on.

00;21;01;17 - 00;21;24;07

Speaker 5

It's not always the highest scoring like projected, it's just the games I feel like are going to shoot out or have some crazy fantasy projections or stuff like that. So I just make my stats out of those games and hope that they're the crazy ones because that's usually what happens. Like last week it's like I thought about it, but it's like there's I just didn't do it because it wasn't that I don't know.

00;21;24;11 - 00;21;37;01

Speaker 5

I think Joe might have one of the stack two just because there was a pretty good stack, but I that game had a potential to get crazy, but at the beginning it didn't look like it was. And then who knows, fourth quarter comes around and then it flips everything on its head.

00;21;37;17 - 00;22;04;02

Speaker 3

So I mean, what I'm saying, though, when I say game selection, though, I'm talking about doing what Joe does, you know, these, these single entry GP's with a limited number of players because tournament selection. Yeah. Just because well you know I suck at them all so I might as well pick one format right and try to figure out crack that nut if you will.

00;22;04;14 - 00;22;33;22

Speaker 3

even one of those, you know,:

00;22;34;14 - 00;22;55;13

Speaker 3

Or I'm just all over the place with my games, with my lineups. I don't know, man, I suck at this. I should host a podcast. So let's do it. Dumpster Fire Sports Season three Episode three This one's called Fix My Game is what We're Doing, so we'll all pick out a couple players each position, see what we can come up with.

00;22;55;22 - 00;23;04;08

Speaker 3

Quarterbacks Week three, NFL:

00;23;04;09 - 00;23;05;26

Speaker 5

As they lose some weight man but.

00;23;07;01 - 00;23;07;06

Speaker 1


00;23;07;07 - 00;23;08;20

Speaker 3

On I don't believe.

00;23;09;00 - 00;23;31;05

Speaker 5

You should okay. All right. So quarterbacks we talked about the one. I don't think you should avoid him at all this week, Josh Allen. I mean on a bad days and I guess you were 27. So I mean I mean that's on a bad day hasn't had a bad day and he's averaging 30 plus a game I mean that's ridiculous.

00;23;31;05 - 00;23;54;04

Speaker 5

And he hasn't even done one of those run two touchdowns in one yeah like it hurts in the but that's probably going to be on everybody's list so it's not really I'm not saying anything crazy but the one quarterback I really like this week that I think is going to be very low own in the stats are going to be very low own but could be a crazy weird game like it was last year.

00;23;55;13 - 00;24;10;20

Speaker 5

Is Mr. Joe Cool himself? Joe Burrow and his stack look pretty sweet to me this week so. Oh into coming off a couple tough losses really they should be two and oh but they're not there yet.

00;24;10;25 - 00;24;11;08

Speaker 3

They shut.

00;24;11;08 - 00;24;32;25

Speaker 5

Out the Jets and the Jets have been giving up a lot of points so it could get crazy because I don't think they're good enough to hold the Jets to like nothing. But even if they do, I still think the Bengals are good enough to find out, get out of their own way eventually. And I think it may start with this week and I think a lot of people are not going to pay attention to them, one, because they probably screwed a lot of people and their survivor legs.

00;24;34;06 - 00;24;35;03

Speaker 1

Are telling.

00;24;35;03 - 00;24;38;13

Speaker 5

Me if I did, I try to in episode two, you didn't listen to me.

00;24;38;13 - 00;24;42;20

Speaker 3

Did you tell me not to play Cincinnati? Did I'm going to run the tape back.

00;24;42;21 - 00;24;44;16

Speaker 5

I said, You need to play the Broncos. Let it ride.

00;24;45;12 - 00;24;45;21

Speaker 1


00;24;46;07 - 00;24;46;18

Speaker 3


00;24;46;18 - 00;24;51;23

Speaker 1

Yeah, right, right, right. Maybe you did. But anyways.

00;24;51;23 - 00;25;09;13

Speaker 5

I'm actually going to play them in my survivor this week because I'm I'm in the top top 20 now out of the 70 that were in mine. So but I'm going with Joey B so I mean, there's a couple other good players, but those are my two favorite ones. Second, they doing.

00;25;09;16 - 00;25;10;29

Speaker 4

Something at the kill a few.

00;25;11;00 - 00;25;12;02

Speaker 1

Moments later.

00;25;12;03 - 00;25;30;10

Speaker 3

So we're recording, listening to Brandon's Heartaches and Bloody Murder upstairs screaming. I literally thought somebody was breaking in. I go upstairs. Evidently the dog brought in a dead squirrel and.

00;25;30;23 - 00;25;31;15

Speaker 4

I've been there.

00;25;31;16 - 00;26;03;28

Speaker 3

My wife is standing on a chair. Everybody's freaking out. Oh, my gosh. Okay. So, all right. Okay, Joe, I'll go next because you're going to hate these, but I'm going there. Carson Wentz, he's scored over 30 weeks, one and two. He played Jacksonville in Detroit. Now he's got a tough match up. He's up against Philly this week. But we know Philly puts up a ton of points.

00;26;04;12 - 00;26;29;01

Speaker 3

k would be good to stack with:

00;26;29;01 - 00;26;58;12

Speaker 3

ints to him as well. But when:

00;26;58;27 - 00;27;27;26

Speaker 4

Well, I was actually on the other side of both your first two quarterbacks. I think Jalen Hurts is going to have a big week against Washington. He has three receivers that he seems to like quite a bit. I don't know how much AJ Brown is, but that's probably my top stacking option. Devonte Smith was way too cheap and the Monday night flight, so I probably will go there too.

00;27;27;26 - 00;27;32;29

Speaker 4

And then my other guy is the guy on the other end of the Detroit game. Kirk Cousins.

00;27;32;29 - 00;27;35;16

Speaker 1

No. Yeah, dude.

00;27;36;02 - 00;27;56;18

Speaker 4

I mean, Detroit is not a world beater on defense by any means. Kirk Cousins just absolutely dropped a deuce this past week in prime time. Now that he's out of prime time, we all know the story of him being awful in prime time. I think he's going to come back to have a good week. You got to pay up for Justin Jefferson to make that stack.

00;27;56;18 - 00;28;15;08

Speaker 3

But I mean, dude, he's:

00;28;15;08 - 00;28;16;03

Speaker 4

Good a time as any.

00;28;16;29 - 00;28;19;28

Speaker 3

Dalvin Cook just running all over the place.

00;28;20;24 - 00;28;23;06

Speaker 4

I don't know what's down with this year. Has he been doing it because.

00;28;23;07 - 00;28;42;01

Speaker 3

Well, I mean, 7.3, he did have six targets. So maybe he catches some and you get that Kirk Cook connection, which sounds actually kind of cool. All right, Joe, going right back to you. Running backs, who are you looking at? Who are you thinking about this week.

00;28;43;04 - 00;28;49;23

Speaker 4

Boy? I mean, I'm a little afraid that freaking David Montgomery is going to be the type of guy that seems.

00;28;50;13 - 00;28;51;00

Speaker 1

So to.

00;28;51;05 - 00;28;52;19

Speaker 3

Me. It looks like at this point.

00;28;52;25 - 00;28;53;28

Speaker 5

I might be in for the.

00;28;56;08 - 00;29;17;03

Speaker 4

You know, we are we were talking a little before the podcast. You were talking about Michael Carter. I don't hate that. Obviously, he's not getting quite the workload that we would like him to get with 12 opportunities last week. But the five targets is huge and he's only 50 to 100. So that's probably going to be where I say plenty of running back this week instead of going down to David Montgomery.

00;29;17;03 - 00;29;36;23

Speaker 4

Other than that, if I'm paying up, I think I'm going for Mixon because I want to get some of that. Cincinnati offense, but I don't know that I want to pay it for the receivers. Mixon could easily just I mean, they could get up big on the Jets and they just run it out with Mixon. So right where I'm leaning.

00;29;37;20 - 00;30;00;12

Speaker 3

All right. I'm looking at going down a little bit and for running backs as well. The problem with Carter is Breece Hall. They're one of those tandem backfield that are almost exactly equal, kind of like in Green Bay, where both these running backs are getting about the same amount of touches and target. So that's kind of a bummer.

00;30;01;25 - 00;30;25;19

Speaker 3

Mark Ingram was on the field a lot now. He didn't do much, but he did have 12 attempts. So if you're looking for somebody on the super cheap, it'd be nice to know what's going on in L.A. as well. Is Henderson going to have a weak one or is he going to have a week to week one? He had five targets, Cottam all week two zero targets and less attempts.

00;30;25;19 - 00;30;36;13

Speaker 3

So it looks like they're splitting as well. So that's the thing. I have a hard time not paying up for running back because I want to get into a situation where there is only one. Running back on a team.

00;30;36;14 - 00;30;37;18

Speaker 4

Is David Montgomery.

00;30;38;05 - 00;31;04;08

Speaker 3

Well, maybe. I mean or McCaffrey or I mean, if I'm paying for a tandem, I'll flex off a Joe Mixon pivot to some large prime and pick him up and get some of that Bengals that sweet, sweet Bengals. Action. Look, you want a safe play? Go with H. The Chiefs versus Indy, right? He'll get his four or five targets.

00;31;04;08 - 00;31;23;08

Speaker 3

He'll get his eight touch attempts, his eight rush attempts. He'll get a touchdown and you'll be fine. See, h lame play of the week that will get your points. Low ceiling, high floor Brandon running backs, please.

00;31;23;16 - 00;31;47;01

Speaker 5

It's. Please. All right, here we go. You guys said Michael Carter. I like Breece Hall. I that's my come back for my Joe Burrow stack. He seems like he's on the up. I think eventually there's going to be a point where they just give him a lot more. But I don't know if this is the league, but he's averaging roughly 12 Michael Carter.

00;31;47;07 - 00;32;13;01

Speaker 5

So it's kind of a toss up between the two. I got an extra one to spend, so I'll just I'll cover his hall for the upside just in case. But he hasn't really showed out yet. So that's that's what I like for a cheap play. Dalvin Cook's due for something. He's playing Detroit. They're not world beaters, but my favorite running back play, which I'm actually pairing with a defense, actually goes along with Montgomery.

00;32;13;13 - 00;32;36;07

Speaker 5

Montgomery kind of ran all over the Green Bay Packers and they weren't even ahead. So what do you think Tampa is going to do? And they don't really have any targets besides Cole Beasley to throw to. So I think Fournette is going to be here. Your play that most people are kind of if he plays he's questionable he should play but I think I think he's going to get a boatload of touches.

00;32;36;07 - 00;32;37;00

Speaker 5

So we'll see.

00;32;37;19 - 00;32;38;00

Speaker 1

If he.

00;32;38;14 - 00;32;42;01

Speaker 3

If he doesn't play rashod wide is going to be 75%.

00;32;42;06 - 00;33;02;03

Speaker 5

Which I hope he does play, just so that doesn't happen. But I am pairing him with the defenses of the one few weeks. I'm actually pairing a defense with my with my running back on purpose. I don't know if you guys have seen, but the Buccaneers defense is ridiculous fantasy wise right now. Yeah. And they're only three 100 and the points they're putting up a game.

00;33;02;22 - 00;33;18;21

Speaker 5

Oh my. And I don't see you against Green Bay, even with Aaron Rodgers. I don't. A lot of people think Aaron Rodgers is just this is a time for them to throw all over Tampa Bay because they stop the run a well, but if you've seen the Packers, they can't throw the ball.

00;33;18;21 - 00;33;28;15

Speaker 3

I mean, the Bucs do have four interceptions, two two fumble recoveries, ten on the season, that mean.

00;33;28;15 - 00;33;44;04

Speaker 5

Offense in general, just football wise. But think about it, they're going against Green Bay, who won against Chicago last week with their running back Aaron Jones pretty much doing everything because Aaron Rodgers still didn't have anybody to throw to. So what do you think's going to happen? Aaron Rodgers this week.

00;33;45;19 - 00;33;49;17

Speaker 3

Dude, I love it. I already put him on my. But I already bought.

00;33;50;08 - 00;33;52;18

Speaker 1

That Leonard Yeah, well that I'm with the.

00;33;52;18 - 00;34;09;21

Speaker 5

I'll pay up a little bit for:

00;34;09;21 - 00;34;12;01

Speaker 1

Thank you. I told you, I just sold the solid.

00;34;12;25 - 00;34;19;05

Speaker 3

Yeah, you're sold. All right, Joe, talk about wide receivers. You're looking at. Where are we going?

00;34;20;05 - 00;34;41;24

Speaker 4

I'm going to give you a couple really cheap guys here. I love it. Russell Gage is basically the only receiver that I would want to put on the field in Tampa Bay, since he's been there mostly most of the year and he's got to have some rapport with the good old Tommy Boo down there. And then Curtis Samuel on the Washington commanders.

00;34;41;28 - 00;35;08;14

Speaker 4

He's quietly has the most targets on the team. He's got like five or six more than Terry McLaurin and Dotson and literally everybody on the team. I mean, it's it's insane to me, but I really like those two cheap guys this week. And then obviously you can pay for all the studs like Cooper Kupp thinks so on and so forth.

00;35;09;16 - 00;35;11;07

Speaker 3

Brandon Wide receivers.

00;35;11;10 - 00;35;32;10

Speaker 5

Please, please again, everybody. All right, well, we're going to go with the Boro stag. I got Chase in there. I'm kind of torn with my lineup on whether to do I don't really like Tyler Boyd, but I kind of would like Tee Higgins in that, but kind of taunt just a couple of those guys this week I think a good play.

00;35;33;14 - 00;35;59;04

Speaker 5

Another one for wide receiver that I liked. As I pull up my other line up, I'm actually going to fade. Steph Diggs this week I don't think I mean, I don't think that like he's going have a bad game. I just think they're going to usually when he goes to Miami, he usually gets like a touchdown with the only gets like 30 or 40 yards like I think they're pretty much going to try to shut him down and make Josh Allen throw to other guys.

00;35;59;04 - 00;36;13;01

Speaker 5

So I if when I stack him, I'm going to stack with like if Gabe Davis plays him or I'm going to play like Isaiah McKenzie, somebody like that and Dawson knocks. But we haven't got to tight ends yet, but.

00;36;15;13 - 00;36;24;29

Speaker 3

What do we think about former chief Samuel Watkins? He had four targets last week. Not a lot, but Green Bay does not.

00;36;25;07 - 00;36;25;21

Speaker 1

Care about the.

00;36;25;26 - 00;36;26;29

Speaker 3

I mean, they just don't have a.

00;36;27;00 - 00;36;27;12

Speaker 1


00;36;29;06 - 00;36;32;24

Speaker 3

I mean, so you're anti Sammy Watkins.

00;36;32;26 - 00;36;33;09

Speaker 5


00;36;34;22 - 00;36;37;13

Speaker 3

To stay away from Green Bay.

00;36;37;13 - 00;36;43;01

Speaker 5

In the Joe lingo dust. Did you ask?

00;36;43;01 - 00;37;05;13

Speaker 3

Okay, let me mention Amon-Ra St Brown. That dude is just a stud. Hard knocks hype. He's carrying my team. He's carrying more than one of my season long teams. So I'm a big fan. Big fan of that dude. Also on the wide receivers. Can I mention Trey Long, Burks, Joe, where are you at with him?

00;37;05;29 - 00;37;06;22

Speaker 1

He's fine.

00;37;07;00 - 00;37;10;27

Speaker 4

So I'm not working frickin sixth round pick in a basketball though.

00;37;11;14 - 00;37;28;04

Speaker 3

I mean, we'll see six targets last week averages over 11 yards per catch. The week before, he averaged 18 yards per catch. It's got a bum ankle, but they are playing Vegas in that game. I made.

00;37;28;07 - 00;37;28;27

Speaker 4

A real cell.

00;37;29;20 - 00;37;30;29

Speaker 1

Phone call.

00;37;30;29 - 00;38;05;00

Speaker 3

Yeah, so be careful. Pay attention and watch Michael Thomas, man. I mean, so evidently, Sammy Watkins has, like, fractures in his back, not Sammy Watkins. Yikes. Jameis Winston has fractures in his back. I don't know how this dude is still going out there, but he is. Michael Thomas. Nine targets a touchdown last week. Six catches, 18 points. He's under six K, which still seems like quite the deal.

00;38;06;00 - 00;38;27;27

Speaker 3

And then also did Rashod Bateman look out for him? Seven targets, 108 yards. Touchdown, four catches. Baltimore's all over the place and they're scoring a ton of points. So those are and then I'm going to say it every week until he hits juju. Juju has to be the guy eventually.

00;38;29;03 - 00;38;54;18

Speaker 4

Right? Or maybe let me let me hit you with another name here real quick. All right. This man caught a bag over the offseason. Okay. I'm upset that I haven't played him so far this season. He seems to be the favorite target. Christian Kirk. I mean, week one, the man got 12 targets, got over a hundred yards, week to six targets, got two touchdowns.

00;38;54;18 - 00;39;06;08

Speaker 4

man before now, but he's only:

00;39;06;23 - 00;39;24;21

Speaker 3

Let me ask you in Philly, who would you put with Jalen Hurts if not AJ Brown? I mean, can can you just run a naked Jalen hurts? I mean, I, I know I want to play Quez Watkins with his two targets last week.

00;39;25;18 - 00;39;51;11

Speaker 4

nte Smith. Devonte Smith Only:

00;39;52;12 - 00;40;14;21

Speaker 3

k in the park, but he is only:

00;40;14;26 - 00;40;40;27

Speaker 3

catches and a touchdown, only:

00;40;41;09 - 00;40;41;15

Speaker 1


00;40;42;03 - 00;40;57;07

Speaker 5

I'm here to challenge the whole chicken, all right? Tight ends. Well, I mentioned the one earlier. Dawson. Knox. But I think this is the way. Guys, this is my this is just some random thought.

00;40;57;07 - 00;40;57;27

Speaker 1


00;40;58;12 - 00;40;59;16

Speaker 5

This could be the week.

00;41;01;08 - 00;41;02;28

Speaker 1

Joe Cobb.

00;41;02;29 - 00;41;03;23

Speaker 3

Kyle Pitts.

00;41;03;29 - 00;41;07;02

Speaker 1


00;41;07;02 - 00;41;08;13

Speaker 3

Joe, is this the week?

00;41;09;00 - 00;41;11;03

Speaker 1

This is the reason I'm going to.

00;41;11;03 - 00;41;17;11

Speaker 4

Say the name, too, just because I feel obligated to say it now that I'm in love with them, said it like 19 times.

00;41;17;15 - 00;41;36;06

Speaker 5

? No, he's:

00;41;36;26 - 00;41;47;22

Speaker 5

So here's how he's going to work this year. He's going to get 19 yards in one game, maybe the next game, 19 yards again. And then he'll go for like 181 game. Just watch.

00;41;49;10 - 00;41;57;29

Speaker 3

Well, if I play him every week that one week, hopefully I have some other people on the on the roster with him Joe tight ends got any surprises for us?

00;41;59;14 - 00;42;20;21

Speaker 4

want to pay all the way up to:

00;42;20;21 - 00;42;35;27

Speaker 4

verything grips pretty cheap,:

00;42;35;27 - 00;42;41;02

Speaker 5

Getting used to people just seem to realize this Trevor Lawrence, now he's starting to come into his own. It may not be.

00;42;41;02 - 00;42;41;24

Speaker 1

Like, Yeah.

00;42;42;02 - 00;42;52;24

Speaker 4

I just think it's it's just a little gross because it's the Chargers on the other end and we just saw them slow down the Chiefs quite a bit. So I don't think Jacksonville's offense is on that level.

00;42;52;24 - 00;42;56;26

Speaker 5

No, but then again, they're going to be playing from behind. I definitely won't be. I mean.

00;42;57;13 - 00;42;59;25

Speaker 4

Yeah, I mean, it definitely shouldn't be high on.

00;43;02;04 - 00;43;22;19

Speaker 3

Is speaking of that game, is Justin Herbert going to play with his ribs? He misunderstood the assignment came to Kansas City and broke his ribs. He was supposed to eat ribs, ended up breaking his. Is he going to play this week, do you think? Throw on a flag jacket, get a nice little shot of something special in back there and play.

00;43;22;19 - 00;43;26;04

Speaker 3

What do you think's going to happen?

00;43;26;04 - 00;43;30;24

Speaker 4

I mean, do you trust the guy given shots? Last time he gave somebody a shot to the ribs, a friggin punctured a lung.

00;43;30;24 - 00;43;31;16

Speaker 3

So it.

00;43;31;25 - 00;43;32;02

Speaker 1


00;43;32;02 - 00;43;38;28

Speaker 3

Bad. Yeah. Do you think he plays Brandon for?

00;43;38;28 - 00;43;46;22

Speaker 5

I haven't been keeping up on his status, but he be. It's either that or Chase Daniel.

00;43;49;24 - 00;43;50;25

Speaker 4

Good ole booger and.

00;43;51;03 - 00;43;52;13

Speaker 5

I plead the fifth on this one.

00;43;53;29 - 00;44;04;26

Speaker 3

All right, we'll see what happens. Something to keep an eye on. All right. Before we wrap this up for our survivor friends, who is your lock of the week?

00;44;05;10 - 00;44;11;19

Speaker 5

Brandon survive and I'm going Bengals as I think everybody's going chiefs or somebody like that this week.

00;44;14;13 - 00;44;18;03

Speaker 3

Joe I mean, I had two entries, so I'm still in it don't.

00;44;18;18 - 00;44;18;24

Speaker 1


00;44;18;26 - 00;44;24;06

Speaker 5

Out that when you didn't believe me and I tried telling you not to pick them and you you rushed to decide.

00;44;24;06 - 00;44;24;28

Speaker 3

You to run, that.

00;44;25;06 - 00;44;29;13

Speaker 1


00;44;29;13 - 00;44;32;02

Speaker 3

Joe, who's your survivor pick this week?

00;44;32;24 - 00;44;38;22

Speaker 4

Well, since I'm not in the Survivor, I have no idea. I haven't looked any of this. But let's find something real quick.

00;44;38;22 - 00;44;41;01

Speaker 3

Yeah, find a. Find us a winner.

00;44;41;15 - 00;44;41;24

Speaker 5

Get it.

00;44;42;29 - 00;44;48;28

Speaker 3

Come on, lock on in. Come on, buddy. Do it for the people.

00;44;49;00 - 00;45;00;09

Speaker 4

Bad. I mean, I'm going to keep going back to the Eagles, I guess, because I mean, I've just been high on the Eagles all part. So I think I would take the Eagles probably.

00;45;00;19 - 00;45;02;18

Speaker 3

They look awesome right now, don't they?

00;45;02;29 - 00;45;08;00

Speaker 4

Yeah. I mean, they're hitting on all cylinders. I don't see that slowing down.

00;45;08;18 - 00;45;27;22

Speaker 3

Final segment of the show. Let's talk chiefs. They play the Colts noon Sunday, Kansas City time, but they're in Indy. I heard the Patrick Mahomes is undefeated in domes. What do you think, Joe? Last time I saw a spread, it was. Kansas City, six and a half. What do you think?

00;45;28;04 - 00;45;47;22

Speaker 4

It's down to five and a half now. If you wanted to beat the Chiefs, you should have been following me on Twitter because I posted that they were three and a half point favorites early on this week and I got it that that but I still think I would bet the five and a half because it's under the under the key number of like seven.

00;45;48;03 - 00;45;52;08

Speaker 3

So so you expect them to cover Brandon?

00;45;52;24 - 00;46;05;03

Speaker 5

Oh, gosh, you know, this is I think the Chiefs are going to win, but it's going to be ugly. I don't I just this feels like one of those games that you have like a.

00;46;07;06 - 00;46;08;01

Speaker 1

Well, what's that?

00;46;09;14 - 00;46;10;16

Speaker 5

I don't know. Not what is.

00;46;10;16 - 00;46;13;01

Speaker 3


00;46;13;01 - 00;46;14;24

Speaker 4

That's okay. I'll take the blame is.

00;46;15;05 - 00;46;32;25

Speaker 5

Awesome subscription in the background but but yeah I think that's going to be where the Colts like somehow get up on us early and we have to scrap back and get a hard fought win because the Colts are playing with their back against the wall. I think people I think people in Survivor leagues are going to shit themselves when the Chiefs are not looking great at first.

00;46;32;25 - 00;46;33;14

Speaker 5

That's what I think.

00;46;33;14 - 00;46;34;01

Speaker 1

It's going to be.

00;46;34;04 - 00;46;37;13

Speaker 3

Do you expect them to cover the five and a half?

00;46;37;13 - 00;46;44;16

Speaker 5

Well, I got the I got the underwrite last week on the points, but I don't I don't expect them to cover. I think the Colts cover.

00;46;44;29 - 00;47;08;13

Speaker 3

All right. Colts cover up and say the Chiefs cover easy. I'm taking it. I'm taking a minus seven. I'm going back to what Joe said, maybe episode one where he's like, I don't know, man. I think. Patrick Mahomes Based on what Hill has said a lot on the podcast and a bunch of the haters out there, he's got a chip on his shoulder and he's looking to win.

00;47;08;13 - 00;47;33;13

Speaker 3

And when big day I got screwed in the last game because I had a minus three and a half, I think they were up by ten and the Chargers come down and what what scored some garbage time. So that stuff's going to happen. But the game didn't feel that close. I thought the chiefs rocked them. Chiefs looking pretty darn good, so.

00;47;33;28 - 00;47;47;05

Speaker 3

All right. Well, guys, I hope I have something better to report next week. Joe, you keep it up. Keep winning, win. And Brandon, you go win a big one and then bias a podcast studio. How about.

00;47;47;05 - 00;47;51;02

Speaker 5

That? I'm trying to put this lineup together, but it's really pissing. May offer. No.

00;47;51;08 - 00;47;55;15

Speaker 3

Well, maybe you should listen to the podcast and maybe you'd pick up some tips from Joe.

00;47;55;27 - 00;48;01;16

Speaker 5

Well, that's what I was trying to do, but all the ones you guys gave me are not fitting into my lineup.

00;48;01;16 - 00;48;06;00

Speaker 3

I know Christian Kirk's a great play, but he's pricey. He really made me pay.

00;48;06;00 - 00;48;07;21

Speaker 4

Dice sitting in the middle there.

00;48;08;01 - 00;48;08;15

Speaker 3


00;48;09;03 - 00;48;20;04

Speaker 5

I think I think what's bugging my lineup here is I don't know who my second running backs are going to be because it's like if you pay up, it's like part of me wants to go Dalvin Cook against Detroit.

00;48;20;04 - 00;48;33;28

Speaker 3

I'm going SINGLETARY I'm going to put Buffalo running back in there. Since Stefon Diggs is so high and hope that that game is a lot slower than everybody expects, Buffalo gets up and then they try to slow the game down.

00;48;33;28 - 00;48;37;10

Speaker 5

Yeah, yeah. Don't do that. I don't think Singletary is going to.

00;48;37;11 - 00;48;44;13

Speaker 3

I'm doing it. Come on in. I'm playing it in the low Dale Bro's Dumpster Fire Sports League. Let's go.

00;48;44;13 - 00;48;45;08

Speaker 4

Says that now.

00;48;46;03 - 00;48;47;08

Speaker 3

Well, it is Wednesday.

00;48;47;08 - 00;48;50;18

Speaker 5

I mean, they split between three backs, it seems like. So it's like, nah.

00;48;50;22 - 00;48;52;21

Speaker 3

I'm doing it now. I'm even more.

00;48;52;21 - 00;48;53;08

Speaker 1


00;48;53;08 - 00;48;55;24

Speaker 5

It's actually four backs because Josh Allen runs two.

00;48;55;24 - 00;48;57;04

Speaker 3

Now. I'm even more convinced.

00;48;57;10 - 00;49;02;05

Speaker 5

You know, I've been trying to give you those Nuggets and Cincinnati Bengals picks, but you're just.

00;49;02;20 - 00;49;11;19

Speaker 3

Hey, I'm like, This is how my kids are. So this is this is where they get it. You tell me, don't do something. I'm going to do it. Darryl Singletary for the.

00;49;11;19 - 00;49;13;13

Speaker 4

Win, doesn't even know the guy's name.

00;49;14;27 - 00;49;15;08

Speaker 1

Oh, yeah.

00;49;15;08 - 00;49;15;19

Speaker 3

It's not.

00;49;15;19 - 00;49;16;24

Speaker 1

Darrell Singletary.

00;49;18;13 - 00;49;35;05

Speaker 3

Low Dobro and dumpster fire sports. That's how we do it. Join the league and come abusers and take advantage of this mess. Follow us on Twitter dumpster sports. Follow Joe, Jake and Casey. You going to have to call Brandon or get his text?

00;49;35;05 - 00;49;36;17

Speaker 5

Write me email. Snail mail.

00;49;36;17 - 00;49;59;23

Speaker 3

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Send Brandon a fax. If you want to get a hold of him, you can do that as well. Find me on Twitter at Brady Goodman. Follow the link. Get yourself a t shirt from Homage and join our league. All that good stuff. Subscribe. Share with your friends. Miles 18. We appreciate you listening and playing along.

00;50;00;04 - 00;50;07;16

Speaker 3

We don't appreciate all the winning. So if somebody could join our league on deck and beat Miles 18 so we don't have to hear about it on Twitter coming.

00;50;07;16 - 00;50;08;19

Speaker 1

Through Miles.

00;50;08;19 - 00;50;14;08

Speaker 3

Come get this there. Devin Singletary Is it Deron Singletary? What is it?

00;50;14;24 - 00;50;16;22

Speaker 4

Are you just throwing out every name that you.

00;50;16;22 - 00;50;25;22

Speaker 3

Know, the earnest saying, I don't know what it is. All right. We'll be back next week. Until then, good luck and go catch you a bag logo bro.

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Dumpster Fire Sports
Daily Fantasy Sports insights from a bunch of random low dough DFS ballers
Join us each episode for insights from a bunch of random low dough daily fantasy sports players. All of the opinions in this podcast are for entertainment only, DO NOT USE ANYTHING YOU HEAR for actual gambling with real money. Matter of fact, your best bet might be to use the opposite play from what you hear inside each show.